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Makeover Jennifer Aniston

Makeover before and after. The bare essentials beauty secret of this anti-aging Hollywood makeover are ...

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The before and after makeover of Jennifer Aniston is amazing. She went from being fairly attractive to sensational with the help of some Hollywood glamour. If you look at her earlier photographs, while she had beautiful hair and full eyebrows, they almost weighed her down and made her look harsh.

Over the years she softened her look and it works. She appears to have had revision rhinoplasty to her nose to make it more subtle and proportional to her face. She had a bit of a strong face and the slenderizing of her nose helped soften her look tremendously. She looks more feminine.

The second photo from left shows Aniston with the infamous Rachel hair cut and a more refined penciled brow. She looked better in the Friends era yet still not coming into her own.

On the magazine covers when she was approaching forty, you can clearly see how she matured into a golden haired goddess. Look at how she achieves an over all balance between her hair and eye brows on the magazine covers. They are not too thick (as when she was younger) or thin (in the Rachel era). Her hair really benefits from the ligter brown base and strategically natural sun streaks. Had she died her hair any blonder I think it would have made her look worse. The lighter brown color however is a flattering compliment to her skin tone.

If you look at Aniston’s makeup, you can see that as she has gotten older she adopted a more natural age-reversing look to her make up. The lipstick especially is far more subdued. The eyes are sexy with some browns for shadow and mascara but not too overly made up.

Jennifer Aniston is a really good example of how good style and fashion can enhance the woman’s natural beauty. She is always dressed with a casual yet classy look. She wears solid color tones that make her look younger. She also has the perfect level of sunkissed color to her skin tone.

Aniston recently went to a shorter, sophisticated bob hair style. In interviews it was said that she wanted to look unique and that since the Housewives of Beverly Hills were all sporting her tousled wavy beach hair, her hairdresser decided it was time for a change. As Jennifer Aniston has matured and aged she looks better than ever. She is definitely a great example of a mature makeover.

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